Beatrice Spotts


Beatrice Spotts, 64

Beatrice discusses how she determines the next right step in her life and how to discover who you are. not let anyone or anything deter you from what you really want to be and you go for what you really want to do.

Throughout your life, how have you determined the next right decision?

I used to just up and do things, but now since I've given my life to the Lord, I pray about things before I react. I make sure that the Lord has me going in the right direction of what I want to do. Right now what I hope to get started on is my little project which is making scarves, handkerchiefs, and eventually curtains. I just haven't gotten down to starting to do them because of being sick for a little while. Hopefully, I'm going to get started on them after the holidays.

What advice would you give to a younger person who is unsure of what to do with their life?

First thing would be to think over your life. Think about who you are. Think about how far you want to go in life. What are you goals? For example, if you have goals to be a doctor, one thing about is do not let anyone or anything deter you from what you really want to be and you go for what you really want to do. So you don't let anything get in your way and you don't get out there, and begin doing things that you should not do that could affect your goals. The main thing is to pray, believe, and have the faith in what you are requesting from the Lord. He will direct your path and when He does, you will see and know that you are on the right track of what you want to become.

History helps you find who you are and what you want to be.

How do you think someone learns who they are?

You begin to look at your family - both the history and background of it. What did they accomplish in their lives. You also, have to have the right mindset to know that you can go off and do the things that you desire to do. A lot of this starts from childhood when you begin think about what you want to be and who you want to be, but then you go back and look at the history of your grandparents, great-grandparents. You can see that there are many gifts that are passed down to you. History helps you find who you are and what you want to be. I didn't go and do exactly what I wanted, but I did get me a degree a few years ago and I did it online. What was so great about it was that I took math that I didn't even have in high school, but I still came out with a 3.45 GPA.

I wanted to leave something back here for my children. I wanted them to know that I still had an opportunity to do something that I had always wanted to do. I wanted to get a degree, and I got that.


LJ Spotts


Charles Spotts