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Though we try our best to reflect on our past decisions, circumstances, highs, and lows as a means of finding a path forward, life can still be challenging. For some reason, it only seems to make sense in retrospect. As we enter into a new year, it is undoubtedly a time to set new goals, but it also offers the opportunity to reconcile the gap between our expectations and reality. In our youth, every decision feels like a massive life-altering one. This is why there's great relief in gaining wisdom and perspective from previous generations.

I hope this series can offer you guidance and encouragement as you navigate your life. May we all find comfort in knowing that no one has it all figured out, and that's okay. It truly is the journey and the people who come along the way that matter the most.

x, Kashara


Key Lessons

1. Find the balance between taking time to make decisions and not dwelling on them.

2. Don't worry about the words and opinions of others.

3. Go with good people. Learn from them. 

4. You're never really right.

5. Time changes things.


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I wanted to leave something back here for my children. I wanted them to know that I still had an opportunity to do something that I had always wanted to do. I wanted to get a degree and I got that.
— Beatrice Spotts
Position yourself for your future. You won’t get jobs out of resumes most of the time.
— Frank Franklin